Our Community Involvement

Long term care is greatly enhanced by way of community involvement, or, engaging with surrounding resources to better provide the services needed by the people in your care. Community partnerships can help residents develop meaningful connections with their local surroundings. Further, they help residents live more fulfilling and healthier lives.

Here at Sunnyview Nursing Home & Apartments, we will provide ideas for community activities and outreach programs that help us partner up with our community to provide better services and opportunities for our residents. “It’s always good to develop relationships with the leaders and organizations right here in our actual town because we are an impactful organization,” said Trish Smith, LNHA, Administrator at the Sunnyview Nursing Home facility.

Trish’s goal is to develop a “symbiotic relationship between Sunnyview and the community as a whole.” And she was able to do so by creating a ‘Sunnyview Fundraiser Committee’ thinking of innovative ideas, like more involvement with local businesses, providing volunteer work to local charities, holding bake sales, or even simple activities such as luncheons.